The UK’s Betting and Gaming Council has unveiled new rules for its members regarding game design and spin speeds, as part of its ongoing focus on higher responsible gambling standards.

The new rules apply to the majority of licensed gambling operators in the United Kingdom and include the slowing down of spin speeds, banning several gaming features which have caused concern, and improving access to safer gambling information.

The most significant changes apply to spin speeds, slowing down future games to a minimum cycle speed of 2.5 seconds and prohibiting the use of turbo play, which allows players to speed up games.

Multi-slot play, where a player can place multiple stakes on different games at the same time, would also be prohibited, and operators will be required to perform further mandatory checks on players’ activity in order to introduce breaks in play.

The new rules will come into effect this week, with the BGC also committing to working with academics, regulators, consumers and individuals with lived experience of betting-related harm to identify best practice in game design going forward, to ensure the code of conduct keeps up to date with changes in technology.

“The new Game Design Code of Conduct is yet another example of our determination to address concerns head on and meet our safer gambling commitments,” said BGC chief executive Michael Dugher. “I’m sure that our members will embrace this approach and commit to its objective of improving player safety. And as we prepare for the forthcoming Gambling Review, it is further evidence of our industry’s commitment to improving standards – unlike the completely unregulated black market.”