Denmark’s regulated online gaming market grew by 17 per cent in the second quarter of 2013 versus the same period a year ago, with growth in sports betting and online casino games offsetting a near 10 per cent decline in online poker revenue.

Total gross gaming revenue (GGR) from online gaming operations amounted to DKK585m (€78.42m) in the second quarter, up 17 per cent year-on-year, led by a 26.5 per cent increase in sports betting GGR and 6.4 per cent growth in casino games GGR. This offset a 9.1 per cent decline in online poker revenue, the first quarterly decline since the re-regulation of the Danish market in January 2012.

According to the Danish Gambling Authority, this trend is expected to continue, with sports betting and online casino revenue for the full year both forecast to exceed 2012 levels, while online poker revenue is expected to be 7 per cent lower for the full year.

Denmark Q2 online revenue (DKKm)

Segment Q2 2012 Q2 2013 % change
Sports betting 265 335 26.5
Casino games 235 250 6.4
Poker 55 50 -9.1
Total 500 585 17.0

The regulated Danish online gambling market continues to be dominated by state-controlled operator Danske Spil, which recorded a 16 per cent increase in total GGR for the first six-months of 2013 to DKK2.3bn (€308m).

The company’s online gaming division Danske Licens Spil generated H1 GGR of DKK678.1m, up 12.4 per cent year-on-year, giving it an online market share of approximately 57 per cent, down from 60 per cent in 2012.

Danske Lotteri Spil, the company’s lottery, bingo and horserace betting division, contributed the remaining DKK1.38bn of total GGR, a rise of less that 0.5 per cent, with growth in the Eurojackpot lottery game and Oddet Live offsetting declining revenues from traditional lottery games and scratchcards.

Danske Spil CEO  H.C. Madsen said that based on the H1 results, the company expects to deliver full year profit in the region of DKK1.6bn to DKK1.8bn.

The Danish Gambling Authority expects full year GGR from online gaming to amount to DKK2.39bn versus DKK2.05bn in 2012.