New Zealand’s charity lotteries will be allowed to continue selling tickets online under a bill introduced to parliament this week.

The bill by internal affairs minister Brooke van Velden aims to ensure that non-commercial lotteries with a prize value of over $5000 can continue to market and sell their tickets online.

Online ticket sales for high-value non-commercial lotteries were authorised by the Government of New Zealand in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, with that authorisation set to expire at the end of October.

Minister van Velden’s bill received its first reading in parliament today (12 September).

“If the law does not change charities would be required to return to selling tickets via post or in person from November this year, said the Minister. “My Bill, which passed its first reading today, will allow charities to continue running their lotteries online permanently.”

“These lotteries are a significant source of funding for charities which positively impacts Kiwi communities across the country,” van Velden added. “They pose a very low risk of harm to our communities, and I have been assured that during the time the temporary exemption has been in place there has not been an increase in people presenting for gambling harm from these types of lotteries.

“I am pleased the Bill has passed its first reading and look forward to having the legislation in place before 31 October,” van Velden concluded.